8 Ways to a Better Credit Score Building credit is a vital aspect of financial health. If you have bad or no credit, there are many things you can do to improve your financial situation.1. Never Pay Late If you miss a payment on a loan or credit card, it will show up on your credit report and lower your score. Avoid this problem by always making payments on time. It may help you set up online bill pay or automatic payments. Also, use a planner or calendar to stay organized and track due dates.2. Request Extensions Everyone finds themselves in financial difficulty from time to time. If you know you will not be able to pay an invoice on time, contact the company proactively to discuss an extension or payment plan. If you have been a reliable customer for a long time, many companies will try to work with you. Do everything you can to prevent a late payment from being recorded on your credit history.3. Getting a Loan One option to build credit is to take out a small personal loan and pay it off in a short time. By borrowing approximately $1,000.00 and paying it back over the course of the course...