The 2008 British drama film, “Slumdog Millionaire,” directed by Danny Boyle, and the short story “The Necklace,” by Guy de Maupassant, have different settings and plots. they do, however, share similar cathartic themes that show the deception of appearances and the journey from illusion to truth. The deception of appearances is highlighted in "The Necklace", from the necklace of Mathilde's wealthy best friend, Madame Forestier. He allows Mathilde to borrow it for the party. The fact that it comes from Madame Forestier's jewelry box gives it the illusion of high value, when in reality it is just costume jewelry. Mathilde would not have worn the necklace if she had known the diamonds were fake, because she believes she deserves more. Fake jewelry suggests that even the richest pretend to have more than they actually claim. Unfortunately, Mathilde loses the necklace, not realizing that the necklace is fake. The fact that Madame Forestier does not notice that Mathilde has replaced the fake gems with real diamonds suggests that true value ultimately depends on perception. In the movie Slumd...