From the tiny, cramped spaces of the slave boats that sailed the seas, where the descendants of kings and queens, but as soon as these slaves reached the new world they were devalued and dehumanized to due to the rich melanin that was embedded in them. This new land that the boat people considered home, was strange and unknown to the slaves, which forced the slaves to adopt and adapt to the customs of the new world. Forced into slavery, these slaves had no choice, since the day they set foot on the boat they were considered a commodity and not a human being. Furthermore, the slave was nothing more than a worker and all they knew for centuries was work, for generations they had no sense of freedom and were used day in and day out to help supply and build the world we know today. Today we live in the world that our ancestors built and never again will the story of the slave be silenced; their stories deserved to be told in full through the anal and the fabric of the story itself. When it comes to slavery, the exact number of slaves who were kidnapped and brought to the new world is in question that many around the world ponder. However, in the article “Slave Trade,” published by Dr. Bailey, the slave trade database (created by Harvard University) concluded that at least eleven million slaves were transported from 1519 to 1867. Let this number sink in leading “millions of elves” and to add further pain to the wound, more than twenty-seven thousand voyages have helped deliver these “millions of elves”. Not once in any of these trips, where the feelings of these innocent people were taken into consideration; meanwhile, not once was the potential physiological entrapment of these slaves' minds taken into consideration....... middle of paper ...then let's think about slaves, because that's essentially what they are. Our strength comes from the hardships we experience day after day and from the past hardships and agonies our descendants have had and been forced to experience. We must realize that “strength does not come from victory. Your struggles develop your strengths. When you go through difficulties and decide not to give up, that is strength” (Arnold Schwarzenegger) as African Americans we have the power to not give up, it is the face of the oppressor and the difficulties we face. Many will say that slavery did not help the African American community and holistically it did not, but it helped create and give birth to unsung heroes of those slaves/martyrs living then and those living now; because ultimately every day we live we continue to add history to the history of the slave.