On the other hand, pretending, hoping, or wishing there are no more problems is a delusional reality strategy. There are problems. There will always be problems. Therefore, it is our duty to become expert problem solvers. In fact, the bigger problems you can solve in the market, the more money you can make. Do you have the cure for cancer? Cancer is a gigantic problem. If you solve it, you'll save millions of lives... and become a mega-billionaire almost instantly. The size of the problem you solve is the size you make money. Think about it. The McDonald's cashier doesn't solve a big problem and is pretty interchangeable. Now, let's say you have a bounty hunter type of dog... only he thinks he can track down and smoke Osama Bin Laden. If he does, and he can prove it, he can pocket $20 million courtesy of the US government. It's a big problem for them, and they haven't been able to solve it. Whoever solves it will be able to feast on the