Topic > Case study on EFL students' attitude towards learning...

It can be grouped into four steps; combining previous and subsequent understanding, producing new understanding, verifying new understanding- The emotional aspect of attitudeFeng and Chen (2009) stated that “The learning process is an emotional process. It is influenced by several emotional factors. The teacher and his students engage in various emotional activities and various emotional outcomes are achieved. Since attitude is one of the most important components for success in language learning, several researches have already been conducted in the field of language learning. Furthermore, the growing relationship between the excellence of language use and individual traits has been taken into account in language attitude research. (Saidat, 2010) The role of attitude in foreign language learning in different countriesThere are many researches that have added the role of attitude in foreign language learning with different civilizations, English patterns and classes. For example, Shams (2008) studied students' attitudes, motivation, and interest in learning the English language. The result underlined that there are unanimous points of view from the students and a great interest in the English language. It is also highlighted that the majority of students showed a positive point of view towards the English language and their study highlighted the value of knowledge of the English language in everyday life.