SMEs also rely more on innovation networks to build their knowledge capital. In relation to the above, Bianchi et al (2010). He said the reason SMEs rely more on external sources of knowledge is the same as larger companies. This means that since competition is based on innovation, product and technology development process. It therefore becomes more difficult for them to develop new products and technologies on their own (Bianchi et al. 2010). However Hills (1995) states: SMEs are different and more successful than larger companies; this is partly because marketing implementation is more important than planning and strategy. Other authors such as O'Dwyer, Gilmore and Carson, (2009) stated that SMEs naturally have a good customer orientation necessary to survive in a competitive market, this therefore shows that marketing ideas are used even when they are not understood as “marketing” or “customer relationship marketing,” but as “networking” or “keeping customers happy".