In the story "Desiree's Baby", when Desiree comes to the conclusion that she is black and that the baby's blackness comes from her, she says: "You must know that It's not true. I'm going to die. I can't be that unhappy and live." (Chopin 244) Similarly, in “Trespass,” Carla's new school is not fun because a gang of boys bully Carla every day in the schoolyard, throwing rocks at her, lifting her shirt to make fun of her flat chest and they call her a “dirty spic.” They say she doesn't belong here and that she needs to go back to where she came from. Ellen Peel in Semiotic Subversion in “Desiree's Baby,” describes how a black individual faces “challenging the same power differential that birth gave him” (227). The racial discrepancy experienced by blacks is entirely developed by humans, but the most important quality to have in society is white skin. The story shows how Armand's love for Desiree was entirely based on