COMPARISON IN INFORMATION SYSTEM MANAGEMENT PROGRAM BETWEEN UiTM (UNIVERSITY TEKNOLOGI MARA) AND IIUM (INTERNATIONAL ISLAMIC UNIVERSITY MALAYSIA)1.0 INTRODUCTION1.1 BACKGROUNDPROGRAM INFORMATION SYSTEM MANAGEMENT IN UiTMBachelor of Science Information System Management (Hons) is the program that recognizes information as a strategic resource. It is designed to educate and train students with knowledge and skills in information management. It involves the analysis, design, development and management of various types of information systems to identify, acquire, organize, store and retrieve, as well as disseminate information for users' strategic and competitive purposes. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY (BIT) PROGRAM IN INTERNATIONALISLAMIC UNIVERSITY MALAYSIA (IIUM) The Bachelor of Information Technology program is focused on providing students with in-depth and up-to-date knowledge in major areas of information technology. This program will provide a course of study for students who wish to understand information systems from a technological perspective, the organizational contexts in which these systems are developed, and the business environments that determine how systems can be used to create value. It provides excellent preparation for graduates seeking a challenging and rewarding career in this field, offering a high level of knowledge and skills in both IT and management.1.2 DEFINITION OF THE TERMThe term Information Systems Management (ISM) in the UiTM side it is the process of managing the various types of systems that involve the identification, acquisition, organization and archiving of the system itself to support the enterprise in the public and private sector. Furthermore, the concept of BIT based on the International Islamic University... in the middle of the document... theoretically in these courses is more effective, which makes the student can explore more about what he is learning.3.2 MOTIVATIONIn Achieving the international learning standard, both universities can frequently update the courses that follow the international standard of their courses. This can be followed in terms of a reference book or manual. Both universities must inform the student which relevant book they can refer to for each course. REFERENCES International Islamic University Malaysia (2013) “Bachelor Information Technology”. Retrieved October 11, 2013, from Teknologi MARA UiTM (2013). "Bachelor of Information Systems Management Sciences (Hons) (IM221/IM225)". Retrieved October 11, 2013, from