For the poor class, the way to defuse their suffering is to believe in karma and worship gods. In countries, almost every Indian family worships a statue of god. They believe that if they follow God's guidance, they will enjoy happiness and fortune in the next life. Indian society runs on Dharma. Dharma comprises three parts: the principle of universal harmony, social ethics and morals which differ according to social classes, and individual moral codes. Core virtues include generosity, honesty, self-sacrifice, and respect for elders. Indian traditions and customs are deeply rooted in Hinduism. Every aspect of the life of the Indian people is connected to Hinduism. From the moment a person is born, he or she must undergo numerous religious rites and rituals, including complicated birth rites, grand wedding rites, and cremation in Hinduism. Numerous rituals of Hinduism embellish the entire life of an Indian people. Furthermore, Hinduism also has an important influence on the culture, art and architectural style of Indian society. Indians emphasize guidance when choosing homes to live in. They believe that the east is a sacred direction and the west is an unholy direction. As for their eating habits, they do not eat beef and do not use their left hand to take food, which are definitely influenced by