With a college degree you may be able to get a higher paying job than someone without a college degree. With a college degree the opportunities are endless. You could become an engineer, an application developer, a forensic analyst, and the list goes on. Without a college degree, you don't have the education or experience needed to land the higher-paying jobs you might want. Without a college degree, you might get lucky and find a high-paying job, like one in the oil field, but those with a college degree will be placed higher than you faster. Without a college degree, you might get the job you want, but if the company isn't doing very well, those without a college degree are usually fired first. Finally, when you earn a college degree, you gain a sense of pride and accomplishment. , which can lead to a healthier life. Feeling proud of yourself is perhaps the best thing you could do for yourself. Once it's time to get your diploma, you'll know that all your hard work has paid off. When you feel a sense of pride and accomplishment, your self-esteem increases and you feel better about yourself. According to the National Mental Information Center, those with good self-esteem tend to have good mental health