Resistance during the Holocaust, whether Jewish or non-Jewish, is a daunting task to face. Information abounds in relation to this, which leads to the problem of putting it all in one document. For this reason I will only deal with specifically Jewish partisan fighters. The movements are divided into two groups of eastern and western fighters. Partisans fought in almost every European country including, but not limited to, Belgium, Poland, Russia, France, Italy, Greece and Lithuania. “A partisan is a member of an organized body of fighters who attack or harass an enemy, especially within occupied territory; a guerrilla war.” The Jewish partisans were mostly adolescents, both male and female, of whom ten per one hundred were women, but also included people of all ages, who formed their own organizations or joined Soviet, Polish, French, or other major partisan groups. There were between 20,000 and 30,000 Jews who joined the groups partisans. They were mostly normal people who had been lucky enough to escape from the camps, ghettos, German transports or who had never been captured. The role of women was usually to cook in the camps, smuggle weapons and ammunition , serving as doctors and nurses and other infrastructure roles. However, some participated in combat situations and some were even employed as scouts for partisan units. The Jewish partisans lacked weapons, shelter and other essential goods, so they were forced to steal what they needed and usually hid in forests and mountains. . Any external help in the East was provided via airdrops from Moscow, and in the West via British airdrops. What they lacked in resources, they made up for with organization and efficiency. They were tied to major underground communications... paper media... abotage." Michael Bart. St. Martin's Press, 2008. Web. March 14, 2012. "Jewish Partisans." Memorial Museum of the United States Holocaust, Web. 26 February 2012. "Jewish Partisans".. 2012. .