Automation is the use of machines to operate and control various and different types of jobs and equipment. Automation is not a new concept. In fact, its history dates back to 1780 when it was a mill. However, automation didn't become popular until the 1930s, when auto factories began using machines to get feedback on how long their cars would last. Nowadays, automation can take many forms, including mechanical, electronic and IT; Automation is at the heart of modern transportation and can be found in almost every transportation method. However, there was a lot of controversy surrounding automation. Employees struggle to find inner happiness, especially when they question whether they provide more value to their companies. Another controversy is the fact that a single machine could replace 12 humans and do their jobs more efficiently. Many argue that automation is the reason that caused unemployment. However, automation has created new jobs and new industries, and if paid attention to, it can lead to huge profits and save many lives. On the other hand, automation still has negative consequences despite its benefits. These consequences, however, can be easily resolved. When considering the growing unemployment rate, automation is usually what people blame for what is wrong with the world, considering that it is an industry where machines can do what humans cannot do more quick and efficient. However, automation is a rich sector that has created new jobs and markets around the world. Markets such as steel, automotive and aluminum are sectors that have opened thousands of doors and job opportunities with the help of automation. It is true that nowadays machines can do what a group of men can do in record time... middle of paper... and prepare them for the new demands of the industry. Other solutions can provide them with medical coverage. Long-term health benefits and low-cost access to higher education. Finally, automation is the future and machines will soon replace more and more tasks and people and there is no way to stop it. We can live in constant fear that one day robots will go crazy and rule the world and be afraid of the future and continue to blame machines for our mistakes or we can learn to control those machines for our needs. After all, machines can only benefit or harm us if we humans let them. On the other hand, we must keep in mind that no matter how many machines are produced and no matter how many employees have been or will be replaced due to automation, a machine will never replace what we humans can give Hope, love and kindness.