IntroductionThe way people communicate with each other has changed in recent years. The telecommunications industry has become very important for business as the technology has made its way widely (Chong et al., 2007). This year's technology has made great strides and facilitated the development of people's lifestyle. More and more people are interested in staying in touch with families, relatives and even with their business. With the development of television and radio, the telephone has also made its way and the connection with mobile telephony is welcome. However, the need for a fixed telephone connection for some homes and businesses cannot be ignored. Customers' needs and desires are important to know and recover because by knowing what customers want, efforts can be made to keep them more and more satisfied. On the other hand, changes can occur within the company. For example, in 1999, Benetton (the large Italian clothing store) proposed a new diversification plan for the store (Bridges, 1991). In the first chapter of the book Managing Transitions, Making the Most of Change, Bridges (1991) states that, as opposed to (physical) transition, change is situational. When it comes to change people are more concerned with the results of what that change will produce than with the transition process itself (Bridges, 1991, chapter 1). According to Fixed Services Service & Market Manager, M. Hernandez (personal communication, March 15, 2010): “Based on agreements with the Office of Telecommunications and Posts and the Minister of Traffic and Transportation, United Telecommunication Services (UTS ) introduced from 1 December 2009 a monthly fee for the telephone subscription of the amount of ANG 25,- per telephone line (Base...... half of the sheet......stry. Info Vol. 4 (6), 50-60.Webster, C., & Sundaram, D.S., (2009). Effect of service provider communication style on customer satisfaction in the professional services context: The moderating role of criticality and nature. of service. Journal of Services Marketing Vol. 23(2), 104-114. Wirzenius, A. (2008). to the max the change. 2003 byWilliam Bridges and Associates, Inc.Zikmund, W.G., (2003).Business research methods United States of America:Thompson Learning South-Western.Hair, J.F., Babin, B., Money, A.H. and Samouel, P., (2003) Essentials of BusinessResearch Methods United States of America: John Wiley & Sons, IncWebsites:www. uts.anAppendix