INTRODUCTION Since the first case of HIV infection was reported in Malawi in 1985 (Government of Malawi, 2012. 2) , approximately 1,100,000 people in Malawi are currently living with HIV and AIDS, (UNAIDS. 2013). Malawi is already a country facing socioeconomic and development challenges. The increase in the number of people infected with HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) and AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome) is a global problem and Malawi is experiencing it in pandemic proportions. (WHO, 2013). This work therefore aims to answer two questions posed:1. The negative impact of HIV and AIDS in Malawi2. The negative impact of HIV and AIDS in my life1. The negative impact of HIV and AIDS in Malawi In every single sector of Malawian society, the negative impact of HIV and AIDS in Malawi can be felt, directly or indirectly. The negative impact of HIV and AIDS in Malawi includes: the loss of human capital in all sectors (formal and informal work environments), a contribution to the decrease in Malawi's average life expectancy, an increase in social welfare burden on vulnerable groups, especially children and the elderly, among other negative effects of this pandemic. (Bollinger, ., et. al. 2000, pp. 3) stated that “The two main economic effects are a reduction in labor supply and an increase in costs”. Every area of society feels this tension, and it can easily be deduced that no one based in Malawi can confidently say that they have never lost someone who died from the virus or, even more so, the corresponding disease. Aside from the loss of human capital, this is; skilled personnel in business, public administration and the non-profit sector, the AIDS pandemic has caused a drastic change in... middle of paper... the effects of HIV and AIDS are enormous.Works CitedBollinger, L , Stover J. , Palamuleni ME. 2000, The economic impact of AIDS in MalawiGovernment of Malawi. 2012, Global AIDS Response Progress Report 2012: Malawi Country Report for 2010 and 2011. Rachel Whetten and Kristen Shirey (2011). AIDS and Trauma: Adults, Children and Orphans, Social and Psychological Aspects of HIV/AIDS and Their Ramifications, Prof. Gobopamang Letamo (ed.), ISBN: 978-953-307-640-9, InTech, available from : [accessed 14 November 2013 ]UNAIDS. 2013, [accessed 13 November 2013]World Health Organization, 2013, [accessed 14 November 2013)