TOBACCO ADVERTISING BAN IN INDIA In 2004, the Indian government banned tobacco companies from advertising their products and sponsoring sporting and cultural events. The goal was to discourage adolescents from using tobacco products and to empower the government to launch an anti-tobacco program. . This issue created a serious problem as it was both ethical and commercial, the government on the one hand, believed that it was its responsibility to protect the well-being of its citizens, while the tobacco industry was a major contributor to government funds. Objectivity and fairness. they are the basis of ethical decision making, and arguments for tobacco bans should have been objective. Objectivity is impossible without personal detachment; equity cannot be achieved without detachment as it concerns other people. Being ethical does not mean imposing standards and views on other people as the Indian government is seen doing. Being ethical means being honest and understanding the implications from the perspective of others and not just focusing on what you want to achieve without considering the impact of your decision on other stakeholders. Objectivity is flexible because it can be approached and achieved in different ways. We know that the Indian government wanted to protect itself from the increase in the spread of tobacco among young people, but on the other hand, they have the problem that the tobacco company itself has made an important contribution to the economy, the government in this case should have consult with the aim of reaching a compromise with the tobacco company for the benefit of the country and the tobacco companies. The eight elements of an ethical organization include respect, honor, integrity, customer focus... at the heart of the card. in India. Given that tobacco impacts the Indian economy, a consultation with stakeholders would have found a better way to address the issue because I believe there is resistance because the consultation was not done properly. The Indian government should have a law that punishes companies that sell tobacco to youth. The Indian government should know that tobacco use has increased with receptive measures including having a preferred tobacco advertising and as such banning tobacco advertising may not have the same impact as banning tobacco because there would be different ways illegal to produce tobacco. available to those who should not have them, such as young people.Reference1.