Topic > Tumbir Guide and Basics - 1634

Tumblr is a blogging community. Full of fandoms, fan fiction and URLs. Tumblr is a place where everyone can find something they can enjoy. I'm part of multiple fandoms. Some people like fashion blogs or animal blogs more. Most people have their own personal blog where they post things they like. Some people have blogs about movies or TV shows they like. You can have many blogs, all connected to the same account. Tumblr makes it easy to manage multiple blogs at once. It's a wonderful place for everyone to come. The basics of Tumblr are easy to learn. When you post something, people have some choices about what they would like to do with it. First, they can share the post on Twitter or Facebook. You can add it to your reading list, make a copy, or email it. This helps you show what you like to your friends who don't have a Tumblr. Then you can choose to reblog, which is when you like something on someone's blog and want to have it too. Click the Reblog button and you can add comments or images to the post. The last thing you can do is click the heart button, which is equivalent to liking the post. The people who will see what you post are your followers. Having followers is an important part of the Tumblr experience. When people like the things you post, they can go to your blog and click the Follow button. That person will now have you in their dashboard. Which is similar to a Facebook newsfeed, posts from people you follow will be visible there. You can see who is following and who you are following right on your homepage. You are the only one who can see your follower count. Some blog users allow you to see who they follow on their page. Plus... half of the paper... so check out trending tags and blogs. After that you have the Account option, this is where you can see the posts you like, see who you are following and look at your blogs. Then you have the Activity button where you can track which posts your followers liked and who reblogged the posts. This is very helpful and allows your blog to run smoothly. It's pretty easy to get a blog up and running. As you explore Tumblr you will understand how everything works. Being a friendly place has helped many people feel welcomed and has even saved some lives with its uplifting pace. Tumblr is a place where you can feel comfortable and not judged by what you like or what you do. Tumblr is a place where friends grow and new ones are made. It's a place where you can share your side of the story and have a good laugh. Tumblr is a safe place to call home.