I know it's not that easy, but consistently removing addictions from your life is more achievable than going off the cold grid. CNBC wrote an article on “Five Steps to Eliminate Your Dependence on 24/7 Technology in 2014.” First, they recommend buying a real alarm because waking up to a smartphone means people connect to the digital world the moment they wake up. The second piece of advice is not to take your smartphone into the bathroom. It's okay to not do something all the time. People should allow themselves to be bored to get their creative juices going. People today have developed no tolerance for boredom. The third piece of advice they give is to schedule a technical break. Choose to turn off digital devices regularly to demonstrate that they have no power over you. The fourth thing they write is that people should disable notifications on their smartphone, so they don't have a reason to check them so often. CNBC's fifth and final recommendation is to keep a journal. People don't need to take a photo or check in to remember every experience they had. Writing in a journal shows you a more complete and personal record of experiences to return to. Technology doesn't need to be destroyed or shut down completely, but we need to be less dependent on it