These alloys are used for applications requiring magnets in the form of strips, rods and wires or those required for the production of stamped, bent and machined parts. Semi-hard materials include MAGNETOFLEX, SENSORVAC and SEMIVAC.MAGNETOFLEX refers to the permanent magnetic alloy composed of cobalt, iron and vanadium. Typical applications of this form of alloy are motors, compass needles and tachometers. SENSORVAC and SEMIVAC are cobalt-free alloys composed of iron and nickel. They are produced in the form of tape and wire and used in Electronic Article Surveillance (EAS) systems.1.6 Magnetic Anisotropy Magnetic anisotropy is defined as the directional dependence of the magnetic properties of materials. Strong easy axis anisotropy is a prerequisite for hard magnetism while near-zero anisotropy is desirable for soft magnets. In general, the tendency of the magnetization to lie along an easy axis is represented by the energy density