Topic > Narrative Essay on Close Friends - 719

We settled in, but I was still homeschooled, so my social life consisted of church. It didn't take long to make friends and then I had a few really close ones. But as time went by we all drifted apart. It was then that I realized something. Epiphany number 2. I acted like a total idiot. I know, it's not exactly uplifting, but you have to admit, it really was. I completely hid myself to make friends who knew nothing about me. And as if that wasn't enough, I was trying to convince myself that this was who I really was! Totally idiotic material right there. So I stopped. Luckily for me that was the beginning of freshman year, so it seemed pretty natural to everyone else. Fast forward to now. It's almost the end of sophomore year, I have some pretty close friends (insert quote about me only needing a few good friends), and I'm doing really great. I'm chasing my dream of acting (I'm currently in a show at our local children's theater) and being myself with the rest of the group