"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed." The right of all Americans to bear arms is a right that the Founding Fathers accorded equal importance to the Constitution itself. Gun control laws directly violate this right and therefore should not even be considered. Even if this issue is overlooked, gun control advocates say that in order to reduce gun-related violence, gun control laws need to be implemented to remove violence caused by firearms. While this may seem reasonable, the consequences of such laws are paradoxically counterproductive; they aggravate the problem instead of solving it. In addition to the fact that the U.S. Constitution guarantees its citizens the right to bear arms, the idea of restricting gun ownership in order to reduce gun-related violence would ultimately fail given England's previous gun control experiments and in numerous states.Gun advocates Control states that to decrease crimes committed with firearms (which constitute the majority of crimes) guns should be banned from private property. This keeps guns away from the public, thus taking away the tool to easily carry out crimes. Arthur Kellermann and Donald T. Raey, two gun control advocates, did their own research on the issue and published their findings; the statistic 43-1. In this statistic, Kellerman and Raey state that a gun will be used in a justified shooting one time, while forty-three other people are killed by a gun unjustly, whether by suicide, accident, or criminal (Heumer 9). According to these two researchers, it is not worth owning guns. Private ownership of firearms saved a life while... middle of paper... guns must be kept legal for the private citizen to own them. Works Cited Clayton, Forrest B. Suppressed History II: Polverizing Politically Correct Paradigms. Cincinnati: Armistead Publishing, 2005. Print.Huemer, Michael. “Is there a right to own a gun?” Social theory and practice. 29.2 (April 2003): 297-324. ProQuest. Network. November 30, 2015.LaPierre, Wayne. Freedom of arms and terrorism. Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 2003. Print.Lott, Jr. John R. More Gun Less Crime: Understanding Crime and Gun Control Laws. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2000. Print.Moorhouse, J.C. and Brent Wanner. “Does gun control reduce crime or does crime increase gun control?” Cato Journal, 26(1), (2006): 103-124. ProQuest. Network. November 30, 2015. United States. Commission on the Judiciary. Right to keep and bear arms. Washington: GPO, 1982. Web. 30 November. 2015.