Topic > She Walks in Beauty - 804

“She Walks in Beauty” is a poem that uses juxtaposition to help emphasize the object of magnificence. Daniel Moran, a secondary school teacher of English and American literature, states that the object is “made beautiful by a perfect combination of opposites” (Moran 276). Uma Kukathas, a freelance writer and editor, further explains that “Byron upends the reader's expectations by associating beauty with darkness rather than light and also by showing how light and darkness blend to create perfect harmony” (Kukathas 279). However, it is the object of beauty that Byron describes, and why, that is up for debate. In Lord Byron's "She Walks in Beauty", there is controversy over who or what beauty is and the depth with which Byron describes it. It is well known that the beauty described by Lord Byron is his cousin by marriage, Mrs. Wilmot. (Kelly 275); however, Kukathas states that “Byron, in praising and describing the lovely Mrs. Wilmot, is also praising and describing what he sees as the power of art and poetry” (Kukathas 279). Mrs. Wilmot is described as beautiful both on the outside and on the inside, in which Kukathas states: "[p]oetry can also be thought of as having the internal and external beauty mentioned in the poem as well as a perfect balance between what is revealed (light) and what is hidden (darkness) to convey meaning” (Kukathas 279) Taking “a mortal woman” who is “elevated to a divine status,” he explains “the power that poetry has, as it takes something.” from the earthly world and makes it immortal” (Kukathas 280). Furthermore, “one of the goals of the Romantic poets was to convey ideas not only through rational means but by conveying feelings and moods” (Kukathas 280). … half the paper… more appearance” (Moran 277) Although it is not defined, Byron demonstrates that even if he does not know the person, if a person is pure on the outside, he must be completely pure on the inside as well. Is there a deeper meaning behind Byron's poem? He states: “[a]t first reading, it might seem that the poem is simply a beautiful tribute to a lovely woman… offering little else of intellectual interest. But, upon closer examination…another interpretation has been suggested which shows that the poem is much richer and subtler than most critics have admitted” (Kukathas 279). Both Kelly and Moran agree that going so far as to judge a person's character based on their appearance shows something deeper in Byron's thoughts. Although Byron may have written on a simple subject, critics today see his poetry as an attempt to understand the way people think.