Topic > Professional School Counseling: An Annotated Bibliography

Janson, Militelo, and Kosine (2008) examined “how school counselors and principals interact with each other” (p. 353). They collected data via the Q method. The Q method allowed them to involve qualitative and quantitative approaches subjectively of individual perspectives while providing (Janson et al., 2008) a quantitative statistical technique to analyze the data” (p. 354). Their analysis formed “four clusters of opinion: working alliance, obstacles to alliance, shared leadership, and purposeful collaboration” (p.354-356). (Janson et al., 2008) (highlighted the following barriers in the relationship between school counselors and principals: “principals do not believe that school counselors should focus on all school issues, principals and school counselors do not agree on duties and principals' perceptions of roles and roles” responsibilities are inconsistent with the standards and benchmarks that have emerged from the professional organization of school counselors” (p.354-356) (Janson et al., 2008) found that “if the relationship between principals and school counselors were clearer than their relationship would be difficult” (p.356-359). The goal of the study was to use the findings to help counselor educators and counselors. education administrators to train future school counselors and principals. The training received in their graduate programs "can improve school counselors' job satisfaction and provide a foundation for and about the school's change mission and how school counselors and the principals work together” (357-358). This article is an essential part of my research. My topic focuses on principal perceptions and perceptions of the role of the professional school counselor. I will examine how their perceptions translate into actual responsibilities. The two main themes are their for... half of the paper......2). This piece is new. The articles read so far have not mentioned this consequence. Concern about principal perceptions appears to have multiple layers. I'm not sure everything will be addressed in my final project. ReferencesMason, L. K., & Diltz, P. D. (2010). Factors influencing preservice administrator opinions of appropriate school counselor duties. Journal of School Counseling, 8(5), 2-28. Janson, C., Militello, M., & Kosine, N. (2008). Four perspectives on the professional school counselor's master report: A study of QA methodology. Journal of Professional School Counseling, 11(6), 356-361.Mason, L. K., & Diltz, P. D. (2010). Factors influencing preservice administrator opinions of appropriate school counselor duties. Journal of School Counseling, 8(5), 2-28. Retrieved from