Topic > Dehumidifier Essay - 794

Dehumidifier Essay by: Kelvin Cheung 8.2The dehumidifier helps to reduce the amount of humidity and creates dry air in a certain area where this machine is placed, so this means that it can be used in many cities near the equator. So the main problem that this technology can solve is humid environments. And humid air can usually create mold that grows on walls and eventually make a person sick. Possible effects and some examples are stomach pain, heat stroke, asthma or other allergy symptoms. So this technology is really helpful in keeping our homes clean and healthy. The dehumidifier has an incredible design that solves the main problem very well; Most dehumidifiers come with a fan compressor, heater, compression cooling coils, and a tank. And here's how these components are broken down into three individual steps to work together and solve the problem. First, the dehumidifier's fan collects and pulls air (with large amounts of moisture) into the machine. Then, as the air is brought through, it approaches a section of the dehumidifier called the cooling coils. These batteries are designed to perform the condensation process to remove moisture from the air passing through them. The moisture would remain on the coils and eventually drip into the dehumidifier's tank. Finally, the air inside the machine would be heated and exhausted into the room. Another benefit of the dehumidifier is that it can speed up the laundry drying process. And laundry can be a problem during wetter and humid times for people who don't have access to balconies. So they would be required to lay out their wet laundry in their homes, which can cause the humid air to become even more humid with… middle of paper… ogre, which is brilliant for the electricity bill. However, offering this type of dehumidifiers costs a lot. Not only the electricity bill, but also the medical expenses. By using the dehumidifier you can prevent mold from developing on the walls and making us sick. Evaluate and refer to the first factor of its cost; this can lead to both positive and negative impacts, which would be a great effect. The positive impact is that most dehumidifiers are now eco-friendly and no longer consume as much electricity. But that means it would have to be sold at a higher price. So, essentially, the development of this technology has not solved any economic problems because the cheap ones create higher electricity bills and the eco-friendly ones are expensive. This can again be related to society. So this factor has a huge effect on the economy.