Introduction Intercultural sensitivity refers to a person's ability to decipher and understand other people's values and beliefs in a new environmental context using emic and situated knowledge structures. According to Karen, Moriah, and Stephanie (n. d), the construct of cultural sensitivity includes a number of dissimilar characteristics such as; awareness of cultural differences; be tolerant of the behavioral norms that exist in different cultures; and be open to new experiences found in different cultures. The negative effects of intercultural insensitivity among managers in organizations. Poor management of cultural diversity often results in reduced productivity and interpersonal skills among employees. It causes disadvantaged employees to feel disengaged and can lead to withdrawal from teamwork, thus lower performance. Stereotypes lead to uncertainties and tensions in cross-cultural interactions between employees and managers. Some managers show ethnocentric attitudes towards some employees from different religious and social backgrounds. This leads to dysfunctional relationships between employees and managers. This is evident from the overgeneralizations about foreign employees regarding their suitability to perform work-related duties. This results in employee discrimination and communication breakdown. Inequalities and exclusion of some employees may also occur, which constitutes a form of social injustice. Employees who have been subjected to stereotypes usually become frustrated. Organizations involved in employee stereotyping create a negative reputation among potential employees, making it difficult to attract new talent to the global workplace. Intercultural Sensitivity Training for Managers for En...... middle of paper ...... Works CitedHouse, R., Hanges, P., Javidan, M., Dorfman, P., & Gutpa, V. ( 2004). Culture, leadership and organizations: the GLOBE study of 62 companies. CA: Sage, Thousand Oaks.Karen, P., Moriah, M., & Stephanie, R. (n. d). Components of a global mindset: Corporate social responsibility and intercultural sensitivity. Journal of International Business and Cultural Studies. Mor, S., Morris, M. & Joh, J. (n. d) Identifying and training adaptive cross-cultural management skills: the crucial role of cultural metacognition. White, R. D. (1999) . Managing the diverse organization: the imperative for a new multicultural paradigm. Public Administration and Management: An Interactive Journal 4 (4) pp. 469-493. Zakaria, N. (2000). The effects of intercultural training on the acculturation process of the global workforce. International Journal of Manpower, 21(6), pp. 492-510.