The RYB color mixing model is named after its three main component colors, red, yellow, and blue. This mixing model was based on Isaac Newton's spectrum theory in which he realized that most colors could be created by mixing the three primary colors (red, yellow, and blue). This basic idea later became the foundation of color theory. The model is based on subtractive color mixing in which the 3 primary colors add in equal quantities to create black (as shown in fig.1) and therefore, the more colors you add the darker the colors become, effectively subtracting the brightness of the three main component colors. The RYB color mixing model was very popular in art throughout the 18th century and is therefore very popular with many artists today. The RYB color mixing model is commonly used in schools when teaching color mixing techniques and color theory. RYB is mainly used when dealing with mixing pigments (such as paints and dyes). RGB COLOR MIXING MODEL The RGB color mixing model is also named after its three main component colors, red, green, and blue. This color mixing model was based on Young Helmholtz's theory which is based on the idea that human eyes have 3 color receptors (red, yellow and green) and these receptors combine 3 separate images of each color to form a single fully colored image. Unlike the RYB mixing model, the RGB model is based on the additive color mixing technique. This means that when the colors are mixed they do not become darker but become lighter (as shown in fig.2) until they become white when they are all mixed in uniform quantities. The RGB color mixing model is commonly used in photography, Television, computers and most technology rely on light and pixels... in the middle of the paper... because they can be created with the use of specific colors based on their chromatic meaning. A color such as red is commonly associated with energy, strength and power and would therefore be a good choice for the weight lifting area, whilst orange would be a better choice for the cardio exercise area where most members would spend more time. This is because orange is associated with joy and determination and would therefore be a good choice when trying to make people feel motivated. In the atmosphere that the client requested for the Spa area, color theory could be applied to make the area more relaxing and relaxing by using colors such as blue and green. Blue would calm gym members to allow them to rest and recover after a strenuous workout and green would make them feel healthier and more natural and give them the feeling of being healed.