Topic > An Inside Look at Superconducting Qubits - 2022

Superconducting Qubits Introduction and Background Quantum computing has significantly improved since quantum algorithms have been used which have an exponentially faster execution time than classical algorithms. Implementing theory for practical computing presents various technological and scientific challenges. It is necessary that the Qubits are completely free from external noise and at the same time they must be strongly coupled to each other using gates for computation. We need to build the qubits so that their degrees of freedom are independent of the noise in the environment. For example, electronic spins or nuclei spins are isolated from the surrounding noise. In superconducting qubits we see a macroscopic quantum system. It is constructed using macroscopic electrical elements such as inductors and capacitors that can be coupled due to their considerably large electromagnetic interaction areas. Over the years, the goal has remained to isolate systems from background noise and to keep control, writing and reading operations performed using external signals. We use quantum integrated circuits that have minimal dissipation such that the metal parts are in a superconducting state with zero resistance. Furthermore, when the system is at ultra-low temperatures, it ensures that the thermal energy (kT) is much lower than the energy (̄ ω01) needed for the hqubits to transition from state |0 to state |1. The required temperature is almost 20 mK and the transition frequencies are in the range 5 − 20 GHz. We need ̄ ω01 < ∆ and kT < ̄ ω01 (∆ is the superconducting energy gap).hh1.1.1Macroscopic quantum system ...... middle of paper...... critical current. The Cooper torque box acquires nonlinearity at the expense of its sensitivity to the set charge noise. The search for the optimal qubit circuit therefore involves detailed knowledge of the relative intensities of the various noise sources and their variations with all the qubit construction parameters. Bibliography[1] Superconducting Qubits: A Short Review MH Devorety, A. Wallrafy, and JM Martinis yDepartment of Applied Physics, Yale University, New Haven, CT 06520 Department of Physics, University of California, Santa Barbara, CA 93106 11 October 2004 [2] Quantum computing with superconducting qubits. Ognjen Malkoc10 June 2013[3] Superconducting Qubits and the Physics of Junctions Josephson JohnM. Martinis and Kevin Osborne[4] Neilson and Chuang, Quantum computing and quantum information ........11