Topic > Research on Firearm Ownership and Distribution

While the political topics most often discussed in the media in recent years have involved the economy and the wars on terrorism, gun control is still an important issue that is being debated still debating in Washington. Some members of Congress, usually liberal-leaning, support stricter gun laws that would limit the number of firearms on the streets and their availability to the public. Other members of Congress, usually conservatives, support looser gun laws that would increase public access to guns. Discussions of whether or not gun laws should be written to limit gun sales or increase them often lead to discussion of the Constitution, not only because of its precedence over all other laws and the connotation of arguing that a proposal is unconstitutional (and therefore clearly un-American), but because the Second Amendment exists to guarantee citizens the right to keep and bear arms. Debates over the details of gun control are superfluous for one simple reason: Everyone should have a gun. The statement that everyone should have a gun may seem radical at first glance, but it can be justified with a careful explanation of the following points. First, everyone should not only have a gun, but should be trained to use it properly. Second, everyone should not only have a gun, but should carry it publicly. Third, the weapons everyone carries should have no power limitations beyond those necessary for safe operation. Fourth, public protection is not adequately guaranteed in the current system. While there are many other topics that could be discussed, the topics chosen prove the point. The first consideration, that everyone has an adequate education, would require educational reform, but... half of the document... Analysis Network, 23 April 2000. Web. 14 July 2011. "Office of Justice statistics on relations between police officers and the population." International Association of Chiefs of Police. Network. July 14, 2011. United States. Department of Justice. CAROLYN WARREN, ET AL., APPELLENTS, v. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, ET AL., APPELLEES; WILFRED NICHOL, APPLICANT, c. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA METROPOLITAN POLICE DEPARTMENT, ET AL., APPEALS. By Joseph M. Hannon. Weapons alert. Network. July 14, 2011. United States. Department of Justice. Office of Justice Programs. Guns in America: A national survey of private ownership and use of firearms. By Philip J. Cook and Jens Ludwig. [Washington, DC]: US Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, National Institute of Justice, 1997. Print.United States. National Institute of Justice. The armed criminal in America. By James D. Wright. Network. 14 July 2011.