Industrialization began in the United States around 1760 and lasted until the mid-1800s. During this time the company shifted production from craft manufacturing to the use of machines. This was possible thanks to advances in steam power technology and fossil fuels such as coal. The engine's power allows employers to significantly increase efficiency and save on labor costs. It was the beginning of a new type of business and a new lifestyle. Before the revolution it was customary for most of his life to work with his families to win. Most people work in the agricultural sector, which happens often. Your Own Farms In the age of new machinery that was becoming more and more normal, you weren't at home working in a factory of some kind. The textile industry became very popular and was a common place to work. Industrialization has been identified as an important contributor to the early development of society. This new technology was developed on the East Coast. The first cotton mill, a money-making business, had become, in 1793, in Rhode Island. At the time the United States had just begun implementing this technology and was a little behind the progress made in Great Britain. By 1830, the United States was able to catch up. With the industrial revolution came an economic revolution. With the advancement of technology, transportation between destinations has become much easier. Steam locomotive trains were a popular new way to travel. As a result he left the eastern United States to be more connected. This link of the company must accept payment from the employer and hiring of at least a certain regulated amount, which later became known as the minimum wage. Before South America loses its territories, the United States must isolate these countries outside of the European nations, as they are the dominant nation in the Americas could be. The Monroe Doctrine helped establish puppet nations in Central and South America, the United States was loyal to economic and political interests. The Spanish-American War, World War I and World War II, and the fall of communism are major events. The United States, the superpower it is today, helped. From the position of the United States in the world, it was able to stay, after experiencing the heavy bombs of European and Asian countries. Without these war-torn cities in the United States to prosperity, they are helping to rebuild the European nations that led the United States to economic prosperity. These events marked the superpower status of the United States . "'1