Topic > Compare and contrast the NCU concept paper...

IntroductionThe theoretical discipline of philosophy is divided into five facets. (1) Logic, which details the rules of an argument and distinguishes valid from invalid forms of argument; (2) Ethics and its distinction between right and wrong, good or bad, moral or immoral; (3) Epistemology, what is the nature of knowledge, what is it, how do we know it, and what is the truth? (4) Aesthetic, which takes into account the nature of beauty and art; and (5) Metaphysics, reality and what we consider real, and does it exist? What does it mean to say that something exists or does not exist? How can we refer to something that doesn't exist? To satisfy the completion requirements of the discipline of philosophy and other disciplines at Northcentral University, doctoral students must prepare a thesis. Part of the thesis process is to investigate and resolve a hypothesis using some form of research method. This document compares and contrasts NCU concept paper requirements for qualitative and/or quantitative documents. North Central ExpectationsBoth qualitative and quantitative concept designs share design elements. Sampson (2012) states that a good or enriched qualitative and/or quantitative concept paper is the product of a prediction. Northcentral University (NCU) provides its doctoral students with writing resources beyond the conceptual model to enhance their knowledge of developing their theses. First, qualitative and quantitative articles should always have a title, summary, introduction, problem statement, purpose of the study, and research questions (Northcentral University - School of Education, 2010). Secondly, the concept paper should also offer a hypothesis... half of the paper research approaches when writing their final theses. ReferencesBryman, A. (2012). Social research methods. 4th edition. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.Northcentral University - School of Education. (2010). Best practices for developing concept papers. Version 1.0, released December 2010North Central University. (2013). PhD concept document template. Version: January 2013.Northcentral University. (2010). Best practices for developing concept papers. School of Education Resources: Best Practices for Concept Papers. Retrieved April 28, 2014, from, J.P. Jr. (2012). A guide to quantitative and qualitative thesis research. Publications of the Faculty of Educational Psychology and Learning Systems. Retrieved April 28, 2014, from