Which animal is light brown with black and brown spots covering its body, but known as one of the smallest in the world? If you guessed the black-footed cat, you're right! You will rarely see these cats if you are on holiday in South Africa but, more likely in captivity. Not only are these cats becoming rare to find, but you will only encounter them at night. Today there are only forty cats in the world and nineteen remain in the United States. The black-footed cat comes from the genus Felinae and derives from the phylum Chordate but is more specifically known as Felis Nigripes. The black-footed cat is one of thirty-seven species of wild cats and one of the thirty smallest species of feral cats. The black-footed cat; The African species Felis is expanding its surrounding environment; while he is attentive. You'll find the black-footed cat in open, dry savannah, in grasslands with very little shrub or tree cover. They are found in the southern parts of Africa; creating dens and dens that will become home to up to four litters per year, with one to four offspring per litter. The black-footed cat's dens and dens, located in the middle of a vast prairie, make it easy to catch prey as their diet mainly consists of small rodents. This classifies Felis Nigripes as carnivorous mammals since it uses its nocturnal senses to prey on terrestrial vertebrates. The lifespan of a black-footed cat can range from 4 to 13 years, 13 years in captivity. The life of a black-footed cat is not easy as it faces many obstacles. When it comes to living in captivity, the cat requires a larger diet consisting mostly of fully feathered birds due to the amount of the essential amino acid taurine they need to maintain a healthy diet. Without a......half of paper......red to be independent. An independent black-footed cat now takes on all the responsibilities as an adult; hunt for their own food, find their own den and stay away from danger. The black-footed cat is one of a kind. It is one of the thirty-seven species of wildcats and one of the thirty smallest species of wildcats. Being such a small cat means they have to fight for what they need, hunt at night to catch twelve to fourteen rodents without getting attached, hunt during the dusk to dawn period helping them maintain their body temperature and, above all, observe the the surrounding environment for traps and poisons set up by farmers. Now you know that there are only forty cats in the world and nineteen remaining in the United States. Then, embark on an adventure to one of the local zoos to see this rare but cute black-footed cat.