Once upon a time, before the development and advertising aspect of magazines, films, television and the Internet, women were surprisingly admired for their natural bodies. Renaissance women were considered perfect for having a voluptuous body and natural beauty without the emphasis of makeup was encouraged. However, this standard of beauty changed dramatically over the next hundreds of years, focusing on highlighting a full figure with flawless skin promoted by movie star Marilyn Monroe in the 1940s, and then in the 1980s, it was expected that women maintain a toned body. , without looking too muscular. Now, in the new 21st century, women are encouraged to maintain a slim body shape and take part in the world of beauty products. These recent unrealistic standards of beauty and physical ideals viewed by the overbearing influence of the mass media have been profoundly reflected in the growing negative body image disturbances that women have developed to achieve this perfection. Influential mass media, television plays an important role in American society, where “approximately 2.24 televisions are found in the average American household, and approximately 99% of households have at least one television” (Herr). Every day, millions of viewers are exposed to hundreds of different television programs on different networks that influence the choices, feelings and self-esteem of female audiences. One television show in particular, on Entertainment Network, negatively influences women's perspectives on their body image more than any other television program. Without watching more than 5 minutes of the television program The Fashion Police, hosted by Joan Rivers, you realize that this weekly news talk show that discusses the latest news... half a newspaper... can be responded to with the use of specific products. The mass media is the main cause of the negativity women feel when they encounter the impractical beauty principles promoted by advertising, but the mass media could also be the saviors of women. It is up to the business of commercial advertising to shake up this world of perfection and start supporting all different body types, sizes and shapes and the natural beauty of every woman. End TV shows that insult other people based on their looks and weight, replace ridiculously skinny models with average-sized women on billboards, and stop the brainwashing of women and the beauty products they so desperately need to feel good enough. If we don't start changing the way women see themselves, I don't have a good idea of what our generation's daughters will look and feel like several years from now..