Nikola TeslaNikola Tesla was born on July 10, 1856 in Smiljan Lika, somewhere in the Hungarian Empire. During this time you joined the army or became an Orthodox priest. His father also pushed Nikola to become an Orthodox priest. But Nikola had different plans: he decided to go to university and study mathematics and physics, but then he really wanted to study electricity and later became an electrical engineer for a telephone company in Budapest. When the idea of a spinning mogul suddenly came to him, he drew it on the ground for his friend who was with him. He later joined Edison's Continental Company in Paris. He made a prototype of his machine and it worked successfully but failed to attract anyone's attention in Europe. Edison brought him to America and his dream was to harness the power of Niagara Falls. Charles Batchelor gave Tesla a note to show to Edison when he arrived in the United States of America, the note read "I know two great men, one is you and the other is this young man". Edison's direct current was very inefficient in but...