Topic > Mode of Poetry Aubade - 622

The aubade is a mode of poetry which is a poem about the coming of dawn. It flourished in France in the late Middle Ages ("Glossary Terms"). The aubade was originally sung outside in the morning at dawn (Wheeler). Some forms speak of two lovers who part at dawn ("Aubade"). Aubades about two lovers parting in the morning can be a tricky poem to write. It's a poem about ending the night together but starting the next day apart. Some have a happy tone about how the lovers might part ways, but have another day to be together. Others have a sad tone about lovers who part and are left alone the next day. Whether the poem is just about the coming of dawn or lovers breaking up, neither need have a certain length or number of lines, a specific amount of stanzas or syllable count, or a fixed meter ("Aubade") . you decide to use a rhyme scheme, but it depends on the author since it is not a criterion for writing an aubade. The only criterion for classifying a poem as aubade is that the poem is about dawn. There is the truth...