Topic > Love Analysis by Richard Wilbur - 1226

Every day there are angels waiting to accept all kinds of human beings with all their human flaws and imperfections. Stanza five emphasizes the fact that no one is perfect but that we do the best we can with what we are given in this world as we go about our daily “habits.” Even nuns carry their own sins. Richard Wilbur writes about the fact that no matter who we are, where we come from, or what we do, we all have a soul. We have souls that remind us of the good things in this world, the magical and wonderful things. Our souls are loving and even when we make mistakes, our souls accept the natural flaws of this world. There is a fine line and it can be difficult to find the balance between our natural human sins and those of the pure, white angels. Wilbur is reminding us that there is much beauty on this earth to experience. It's right under our noses and if we don't take the time to notice and enjoy it, we will miss out on all the good things about it.