Evaluation of a study on the relationship between transformational leadership, empowerment and organizational commitmentIntroduction and purpose of the studyThe implications of transformational leadership on a company's employees and the success of the company as a whole are areas of continuous study research according to Ismail, Mohamed, Sulaiman, Mohamad, and Yusuf (2011). The authors argue that in a changing global environment transformational leadership styles, rather than transactional styles, are a means that organizations use to achieve their strategies (p. 90). They argue that previous research suggests that some aspects of transformational leadership, such as empowerment, can motivate followers to band together, change their goals, and even look beyond their own self-interest to achieve the organization's interest (p. 90). Therefore, the use of a transformational style can impact employee outcomes, particularly organizational commitment resulting in increased organizational performance. According to Ismail et al. (2011, p. 91), despite studies showing this important relationship, there is not a sufficient explanation of how and why transformational leadership affects organizational commitment. Their study begins to address the deficit by studying the mediating effects of empowerment on the relationship between the variables Transformational Leadership and Organizational Commitment. The assessment presented here focuses on the sampling methodologies used by the authors and argues that potential weaknesses in the methodologies limit the conclusions to something less than that presented by Ismail et al. (2011, pp. 100-101). This document will have three following sections. First, there is a methods section to discuss the author… half of the article… approaches rely on random sampling to draw inferences. As the sample drawn from the population becomes less random, the results become biased and the conclusions become limited and should be viewed with skepticism. Therefore, the results reported by Ismail et al. (2011) should be viewed with skepticism. ReferencesBurns, R.B., & Burns, R.A. (2008). Business research methods and statistics using SPSS. London: Sage Publications Ltd. Girden, E. R., & Kabacoff, R. I. (2011). Evaluating research articles: From start to finish (3rd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. Ismail, A., Mohamed, H. A., Sulaiman, A. Z., Mohamad, M. H., & Yusuf, M. H. (2011). An empirical study of the relationship between transformational leadership, empowerment, and organizational commitment. Journal of Business and Economic Research, 2(1), 89-106. Retrieved from http://www.berjournal.com