Topic > The debate between faith and science - 817

In today's world there is an ongoing debate between faith and science. The extraordinary progress of science has sometimes led to the belief that it is capable of answering all of man's questions and solving all of his problems on its own. Some have concluded that there is no longer any need for God. It has been said that we must choose between faith and science: either we embrace one or we believe in the other. People appear to have faith in God as the creator of life and some have scientific beliefs in the spontaneous generation of life from inanimate matter (Wright 111). There will always be conflict between faith and science. A scientist engaged in scientific research no longer needs God and vice versa is prominent. A scientist named Dr. Collin made a breakthrough in science by creating the human genome which consists of the entire DNA of our species, the hereditary code of (national) life. Such a breakthrough for a scientist who firmly believes in God would require an occasion for worship. He made it known that faith in God is an absolutely rational choice and that faith is combined with the foundations of (National) science. But the real question is: should faith and science be separated? Many scientists believe it should be separated simply because they don't believe in God and have theories that prove it. Jennifer Sexton and Laura Finley, in an article on Ebsco, made an excellent point and stated: "Religious believers hold that the presumption of God's existence is based on reason, and that the proof of God's existence lies in unanswered questions about the universe, which remain unaddressed by science” (Sexton). As Christians, our worldviews should strongly relate… to the center of the paper… in my opinion, the reason why most Scientists have become atheistic and secular is because they are not strong believers in God to begin with. The powerful observations made in the world of science are indeed credible, but as Christians we support the power of God which shows the results that we see. Secular scientists do not believe that May God have so much power and that is why this great controversy continues today and will continue throughout our lifetimes However, as a high school biology teacher, I will be forced to keep my faith and beliefs to myself and teach what I is requested. I will never lose my faith in God and will think of ways to strategically teach students to make a decision based on what they believe and not just what I say. Once again, it is our duty as Christians to believe in God and his power so that through him all things are possible.