Since Billy knows the plane is about to crash, you'd think he would have warned the passengers, yet he does nothing to stop it. He doesn't even get off the plane or tell his father-in-law to get off. Let events unfold as if nothing were happening. The plane crashes and everyone dies, including the father-in-law. The only other survivor is the co-pilot. This gives the impression that although Billy knew the plane would crash, he also knew he would survive. Billy is taken to hospital and operated on. He is unconscious for 2 days. It is only in chapter 9 that we see his wife trying to go to the hospital to see him and has a terrible accident that ultimately kills her. The lack of a conventional chronology influenced how I would interpret the accident and his wife's death. I would have preferred it in a normal chronological sequence. If the order had been chronological, I would have better understood Billy's stay in the hospital and the effects of his wife's death on his brain.