Topic > The new campaign style in Jakarta gubernatorial elections...

The new campaign style in Jakarta gubernatorial elections 2012In 2012, Joko Widodo (Jokowi) and Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (Ahok) won the Jakarta gubernatorial elections . They won in both rounds defeating five other incumbent presidents, Fauzi Bowo and Nachrowi Ramli, Hendardji Soepandji and Ahmad Riza Patria, Hidayat Nur Wahid and Didik Junaidi Rachbini, Faisal Batubara and Biem Triani Benjamin and Alex Noerdin and Nono Sampono (General Election Commission , 2012a). ). The quick count of the first round showed a result of 42.6% and the second round showed 53.82% (General Election Commission, 2012a; General Election Commission, 2012b). Their rivals in the second round were Fauzi Wibowo (Foke), the former governor of Jakarta and Nachrowi Ramli (Nara), the Democratic Party's regional representative council for DKI Jakarta has 10.1 million eligible inhabitants, made up of different ethnicities and religions (Basuki, 2012). 35.5% of this population are Javanese, followed by the Betawi (natives of Jakarta) with 27.65% (Basuki, 2012). Other important ethnic groups are the Sundanese with 15.27%, the Chinese (5.53%), the Batak (3.61%) and the Minangkabau (3.18%) (Basuki, 2012). Muslims are the majority religion in Jakarta with 85% of the population, followed by Christians with 10.7%, Buddhists (3.3%) and Hindus (0.2%) (Basuki, 2012 Figure 1. Jakarta by ethnicity (left) and religion (right) Jokowi and Ahok's victory came as a surprise not only to Jakartans but also to Indonesians since the traditional notion dictates that the most important positions should be filled by someone from the local ethnicity and main religion, in this case, a Betawi Muslim (Basuki, 2012). Jokowi was not a Betawi and Ahok was an ethnic Chinese Christian. The res...... in the center of the paper......a Post. (2014, May 21). Hary Tanoe leaves Hanura. Retrieved from:, C. (2013). From echo chamber to persuasive device? Rethinking the role of the Internet in campaigns. New Media Society, 15 (1), 109 - 127Von Lubke, C. (2014). Mayor maverick presidential hopeful. Inside Indonesia, Vol. 115: January-March 2014. Retrieved from: 7b0791d9e1 - 245878041 Widiastuti, R. (20 March 2012). Who is Ahok, Jokowi's partner for DKI 1 (Who is Ahok, Jokowi's partner for DKI 1? Tempo. Retrieved from Who-Seactually-Ahok-Pasangan-Jokowi-untuk-DKI-1