Topic > Argumentative Essay: Why Should Abortion Be Legalized?

However, I have clearly demonstrated that the fetus is a separate person with its own heart, lungs, brain and all the different organs of the body. The opposition would say that it is a woman's right to terminate her pregnancy. Yet, in the eyes of the law two charges are filed when someone kills a woman and her fetus, so how is it their right to kill another human being? A woman doesn't have four arms, four legs, two heads, four kidneys, two hearts and two brains... so how can it just be her body? I am strongly against the legality of abortion because it can cause medical complications, psychological trauma, a fetus can feel pain and abortion is outright murder. The opposition may claim that it is the woman's body, yet the fetus and the woman have different blood groups, kidneys, lungs and hearts! In conclusion, if you were in a woman's womb, would you want to be considered only a body part that can be aborted or a future