A full-time jobDescribeIn preparation for this reflection paper, I read the texts, reflected on my life experiences, and then identified the following key theme. “The Working Poor” by David Shipler, the fact that people on the welfare system do menial jobs and not necessarily because they are forced by welfare to do so, shows that most people want to contribute and be part of the working society. . As I read the book about families in New Hampshire, I was reminded of the classism that occurred between the two worlds of rich and poor. In stark contrast to rural New Hampshire, southern New Hampshire, where I grew up, is an hour from Boston, the area where I lived was filled with pilots and executives. In addition to being wealthy, everyone had the expectation that their children would go to college. My town looked like a Norman Rockwell painting and boasted two country clubs for its size. Upon turning sixteen the teenagers would receive the brand new sports car. This contrasts with the rural populations of New Hampshire in Shipler's book, who are a captive audience of the plant's opening, closing, or downsizing and, ultimately, the victims of corporate profits. Likewise, what struck me was the way in which the people of my country referred to the inhabitants of the north, making fun of them (and these were the adults). Now I see that for me there has been a strong connection between making money and being good where I did and with the class of people I associated with. Also, when I read “Glass Castles” by Jeannette Walls, the family had moved to Welch, one boy in particular was determined to put Jeannette and her siblings in their place by shouting “Trash! You live in rubbish because you are rubbish!” How does all this relate to “The Working Poo… in the center of the paper… yes it moves? To which his sister replies, “We would be found out.” Why is this important? Any nation that wants to call itself civilized has a responsibility to ensure that those who need assistance receive it. What will I do in the future in light of what I have learned? In the future, I will continue to address the dignity and responsibility of the individual on a case-by-case basis. The Working Poor exemplifies the fact that social services and the people who are part of the system are too numerous and even if they keep up with the amount of fraud and the infant mortality rate, it seems that even the experts are not sure how to fix exactly the system. I believe Shipler's and Walls' books both exemplify my case that we in social work would be better off addressing each individual without pigeonholing anyone into their circumstances.