IntroductionThis essay will argue for a broader role for dialogue and relational communication in public relations practice. The rhetorical turn that public relations has taken over the past decade is discussed, as well as the expanded role that public relations professionals must play as organizational consultants. Several case studies are examined and used to support arguments for a broader public relations advocacy and management role. Body Effective Definition of Symmetrical Communication Grunig and Hunt (1984) defined symmetrical communication as “the management of communication between organizations and its publics” (p. 6). Symmetrical communication is interactive behavior in which two or more systems construct thoughts and attitudes together to behave in ways that are “collaborative or symbiotic” (Grunig, 1989. P. 13). Explaining Symmetrical Communication Symmetrical communication is important because it concerns the degree to which the organization adapts or cooperates with its environment (Grunig 1984). The purpose of symmetric communication is to regulate the relationship between the organization and its environment. With symmetric communication the publics can change the organization and the organization can change the publics. This form of external communication can form and improve relationships because it involves “creating a sense of openness, trust, and understanding between the organization and key audiences, as well as a willingness to negotiate, collaborate, and broker solutions to issues of interest to both l 'organization that the public criticizes' (Bruning & Ledingam 1999: 158). Symmetrical communication serves as a tool for negotiation and compromise, a...... means of paper ......, 1990). The communication style of organizational members (such as grocery store cashiers) can influence the attitudes of people outside the organization. If the effect is positive, those people become more willing to tell others about the service, for example recommending a grocery store. Even if the service is courteous, however, customers are not significantly more likely to do other favors, such as buying more products (Ford, 1995). Remember that organizations attempt to assimilate to the values, institutions, and expectations of society at large. Organizations attempt to convince people who are not its members to support its goals, whether they purchase products, donate funds, support public education, or otherwise. Organizations are unlikely to last long if they try to stand alone and ignore or fail to respond to their environment.